Tweed Coat to Coffee Sleeve

This week we are celebrating the dads in our lives.  Here is yet another re-purposed gift for dad from the tweed jacket (yes, we are getting some mileage out of this very loved tweed)….

The Coffee Sleeve

This handy sleeve fits around any size of to-go coffee cup or thermos protecting hands from hot cups.  Dad can have his coffee with out burning his hands or producing waste with a cardboard coffee sleeve (not to mention he will look pretty cool as well).

Email us at citymade@gmail if you want to buy one for $5.00.

*Picture taken by Rachel Gilligan Howell.  Visit her photography website at .

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Tweed Coast to iPhone/iPod Case

Dad’s week continued…

We continue with re-purposing the tweed jacket by using a sleeve to make an ipod/phone case.  Now dad can have a stylish, yet masculine case for his “toy”.  Email us at citymade@gmail if you would like to purchase one for $10.

*Picture take by Rachel Gilligan Howell.  Visit her photography website at

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Tweed Coat to Functional Wallet

It’s Dad’s week here at city made. We will do a little re-purposing in honor of Father’s.

Our first few posts this week will feature “the old tweed coat”.

James, Colin and Ava’s Dad, Christian, has a fondness for tweed, elbow patches and all. However, recently, he realized that some of the tweeds were just done. He generously donated them to city made (what a guy!)

The first project we made were these functional wallets. They’re perfect for all dad’s credit cards and there is enough room for pics of the kiddies, too.

And yes, that is the elbow patch on the wallet!

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citymade at the BensonSummerFest

As promised, here are some pics of Benson Summer Fest. City made had an awesome, well attended booth. If you stopped by, Thank you! We had so much fun and really enjoyed talking to people and hearing what they liked about city made.

If you want more information on some of our hand made products, email us at

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Old Calendar to Time Keeper

We (Christian and Carol) recently had some visitors (our dear friends and family, the Honkoski’s). They were kind enough to drive in from Illinois, about an 8 hour drive. Not bad, unless you have children and they keep asking “are we there yet?”.

I decided to help Mom (Trisha) out for the ride home. It turned into today’s post. Old Calendar to time keeper.

I highlighted the squares of the calendar for as many hours as their ride. Then gave Trisha a bunch of stickers. Every hour that past the kids got to put a sticker on that sqaure. When they filled in the last square, they were home!

(I knew I saved old calendars for something.)

Stay tuned. Next week is Dad’s week. We are celebrating Fathers and re-purposing! Also next week, photos form our first booth at Benson Summer Arts!

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Bacon Grease to Bird Feeder

Bird Treats!

We continue our nature week with a re-purposed treat for the birds.  By taking an empty yogurt container, some string, bacon grease and birdseed we made a hanging bird feeder.  Here is how we did it:

1. Poke a hole in the bottom of a small yogurt cup.

2. Fill it half full of bird seed.

3. Pour in some grease from a roast or bacon.

4.  When the grease solidifies cut off the yogurt container and hang the bird feeder in a tree.

5.  Watch the happy birds eat their bacon flavored bird seed!

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Sticks to Picture Frame

We are fortunate to live in an area with lots of trees. Unfortunately, it means lots, and lots of sticks to pick up.

We gathered up some of the sticks, and tied them together with some leather ties to create a picture frame. Simply slip a picture on the back and you have a beautiful frame from nature.

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Cocoa Can to Bug Nest

Home For Sale. Spacious, airy, oh and did we mention re-purposed?

By taking an old cocoa can, cutting out the side and adding some screening, (we glued it on) we created the perfect little “nest” for a bug. The kids can enjoy observing through the screen and when they are finished, the lid pops open to let the bugs fly free..

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Produce Bags (Enhanced by Nature)

Produce bags, enhanced by nature.

We used fabric paint and leaves found around the yard to decorate these useful alternatives to plastic produce bags.

If you like these bags, come see them and much more at the Benson Summer Fest this Saturday, June 12, from 9-5. Stop by the City Made booth and mention this post for a chance to win a set of 3 produce bags.

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Acorn to Acorn Wreath

Do you have kids who love to collect acorns? Well, we do so here is a project for all those lovingly collected acorns.

The acorn wreath.

We cut out a circle from card board, hot glued the acorns on and added a earth tone ribbon to hang on a window. Pretty.

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