Notebook Re-do

Turn a plain notebook into a one-of-a-kind notebook for your little student.  We used ribbon scraps and come glue to design our notebook.

The possibilities are endless: stickers, pipe cleaners, magazine clippings, bottle caps or fabric scraps can be used to decorate.  If your child is interested, let him or her design their own notebook.

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Cereal Box Notebooks

These little books are great for assignments or notes.

To make these handy notebooks we cut out pieces of cardboard from cereal/pasta boxes.

Next, we took scrap paper and cut it to fit the cardboard cover.

Finally, we sewed a straight line down the inside binding of the notebook (through the paper and cardboard).

You can decorate these anyway you like or just leave them plain.

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T-Shirt hamper

We at citymade have kids that keep getting bigger (darn them!), so we tend to have a lot of clothes that have been outgrown. We have a solution to that and how to get dirty clothes in the hamper.

We present the T-Shirt Hamper.

We took one of the kids old school t-shirt, sewed up the bottom and the sides, ans hung it on a hanger. It is now a laundry hamper. Fun, easy and practical. That’s the way we like it here at citymade.

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Clothespin Organizer

One of the hardest parts about starting school after a summer of fun and relaxation is getting back into a routine. No fear, citymade is here!

We present clothespin clothes organizer.

Make your school day mornings run smother by preparing your students outfit the night before. We wrote the days of the week on clothespins, (we also wrote numbers for those students not quite ready to read), and clipped them on a closet organizer.

You can lay outfits out for the whole week and one less thing to worry about in the morning.

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School Days. . .

In only one week the kids of citymade will be returning for another fun filled year of school. There is plenty of excitement, Kindergarten for Anna, and 6th and final elementary grade for James.

To celebrate this unofficial last week of summer, citymade presents “Back to School Week”.

Our first project is the “Lunch Money Locket”.

We took a small mint tin and painted it, decorated it, and added a white ribbon, long enough for hanging around a child’s neck. Now it is a safe and fun place to put milk money.

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Final Fabulous Fabric Find

For our final post with this fabulous linen we made a fun headband.  It just took a small bit of linen and a piece of elastic to create this accessory.  By sewing a different fabric onto one side of the linen this headband is reversible.

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Fabulous Fabric Find, part VI

Our next project with the fabulous fabric find is a bread bag, with warmer.

First, we sewed a bag with a ribbon drawstring. Then, with a couple of pieces of the linen cut in circles, we sewed a warmer and filled it with rice.  The linen warming bag can be microwaved (with caution: at a low temperature setting for 10 seconds at a time) and put in the bread bag to keep the fresh loaf of bread warm.

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Fabulous Fabric Find, part V

Linen Wall Hanging:

We always have fun designing new and unique wall hangings.  We decided to design this particular wall hanging to house sewing supplies (although it can be used for other items as well).  The main piece of the wall hanging is made from the linen and we pulled together fabric scraps for the pockets and loops.  Look for a future give-away with this item…

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Fabulous Fabric find, part IV

Today’s project: Terrific tote.

With just a small amount of the linen for our fabulous find and a bit of fabric bought at the same Swedish-style store, we created this chic tote. Perfect to dash off at a moment and of course, fabulous.

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Fabulous Fabric Find, part III

Today’s Fabulous project, Cafe Apron.

The cafe apron is basically a large rectangle with 2 ties. We added a pocket and then, just because we wanted to , added a fun print on the pocket (print from Lotta Jansdotter). This was really an easy project and with the large pocket you can let your imagination go.

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