Book Sling

There is something about children’s books that are just irresistible.  Books are very important to both of our families and we are blessed to have an abundance of them.  The key is, where to put them all.  Here at the Spiehs’ house we have one bookshelf devoted to our children’s books, however books end up in every room by the end of the day.  Anna and Lauren’s room is a little too small to hold their own bookshelf so we came up with this solution.  The book sling:

First, we took two old curtain rods and attached them to the wall using a double bracket.

The sling was made by quilting together some gingham fabric scraps.

I lined the sling with a toile canvas that had once been curtains in Anna’s nursery.

Last, I sewed two tubes on the ends of the sling and inserted the curtain rods.

Another fun and easy project.  Now, off to read Imogene’s Antlers.

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Window curtain to room divider

Here is great way to divide space up in a not-so-big room.

We took an old window curtain and tacked it up to a wall.

Now there is a sense of privacy without the expense of building a wall ( Carol: Even though I hope that happens eventually:).

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Skirt to Bed pockets

As our kids get bigger, so do their clothes. As a result, we have an issue with dresser space. Melany and I came up with this easy, fun solution for some of Ava’s clothes.

I had a skirt that I really liked.

It ripped in a way that was irreparable (rats!).

So, we decided to use it as the fabric for bed pockets for Ava’s bed.

We lined them with white canvas, to help make them sturdy, and attached them to Ava’s bed using a ribbon and clothes pins (we painted them to correspond with the pocket covers).

Now it is a great, easy way to store socks, belts and tights and there is more room in the dresser for the fall wardrobe!

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Up-cycled Day bed

Kids grow so fast!  Anna and Lauren had been sharing a twin sized bed for a while .  Bedtime was growing more and more complicated with the girls telling us they were, “squished”.  Buying a new piece of furniture, especially a bed, can be a big expense.  We decided to take the girls to a furniture store to look around at our options.  Of course, they were attracted to the giant princess bunk beds with slides.  With the small size of their room  and our budget I knew this wasn’t the best option for us.  We brought them over to the day beds with trundles and, although a little disappointed at first, they were soon persuaded that a “pull out bed” was the way to go.  Then we started looking at prices and, once we bought the bed AND the trundle, it was more than we could spend at the time.  Jeff and I looked at each other and knew we were going to have to go the route on this one.

We started scouring craigslist for daybeds and  were a little disheartened that most beds were priced at “new bed” prices.  While I wanted to give up Jeff kept looking and soon called me in to look at his “find”.  There on the screen was the hideous white rod- iron day bed with gold accents that I had once had as a little girl.  Is this be the best we could do?  As ugly as the bed was, it was cheap and the trundle was included.  Knowing the magic of a little spray paint, we called, made an offer and picked up the bed that night.

Here is what the craigslist ad looked like…

And here is the bed now.  I let the girls pick the paint colors.

The colors match the re-purposed quilt quite well.

The final price of the bed with two cans of spray paint was only $46.  Can’t beat that!  Something we are learning from doing this daily challenge is to re-think a lot of things.  Do I really need to buy a brand new piece of furniture?  Can I up-cycle a used piece to make it work for me?  How can I stay within my budget but still have nice things?  How do I create a little less waste?  These are all things we are learning and re-learning everyday.

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Ribbon Lamp Shade

Melany here. I really enjoy decorating and re-decorating my girl’s room.  It is almost as bad as my furniture re-arranging habit.  So this week we are going to be focusing in kids rooms, mainly our kid’s rooms.

Today we made a re-purposed lamp shade for Anna and Lauren’s room.  The old light cover in their room was an ugly beige glass one that just wasn’t doing it for me.

Taking a wire frame, that we pulled out of an old paper lantern decoration, and some ribbon scraps we created this new lamp shade.  I used paper clips to secure it to the metal frame around the light bulb.  Here is the finished project.

The girl’s were very impressed with their new shade and said it looked like a “princess crown”.  Bonus!

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Jar Shelf

We close “shelf week” with this space saving idea.

We ( the Burks) have a tool shelf in our basement.

It comes in very handy but it is very hard to keep organized.

Melany and I mounted jelly jars on the top of one of the shelves to create a “jar shelf”. The jars are suspended above the shelf. We used mounting tape, but the jars can be bolted or crazy glued.

The jars can hold odds and ends. And with a simple twist, you can open the jar to get what you need.

By mounting the jars on the top of the shelf, we have added storage without losing a lot of space.

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Super Easy Crate Shelf

We are pretty sure, if you were a college student or lived on your own when you were twenty-something, you had a shelf like this.

With this project we introduced citymade son, Colin, to the wonders of crate shelving. We just stacked 2 crates on top of each other and secured them with twist ties. He now has a great way to store his pants for the winter.

Wonder if he will keep it tidy. . .

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Mint Tin to mini shelf

Love this easy, fun, perfect-for-kids project.

We took 3 mint tins, separated them.

We used the deep inside part for the “shelf” and painted the top. Arranged them how we wanted them and hot glued them together.

Finally, we added a ribbon for hanging ease.

Now all your little treasures will fit just perfectly.

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Cork Shelf

For some strange reason we have no shortage of beer and wine bottle corks around our houses.  Okay, maybe the reason isn’t quite so strange.  We have been saving them for some time, waiting for just the right project to come along.  Finally, we settled on the cork shelf.  Using hot glue, we glued the corks vertically onto this plain white shelf that we had but weren’t using at the moment.

Now this shelf has a new function…it can display paper.  This shelf doubles as a bulletin board for my girl’s artistic space.

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Bathroom Shelf re-do

There is a house.

In the house there is a bathroom.

In the bathroom there is a shelf.

An ugly shelf, in a bathroom, in a house.

Well, no more! Now the shelf is a nicely covered with beautiful fabric shelf.

In a bathroom.

In a house.

The end.

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