Anna's Pinkalicious Shoes

Anna had this old pair of hand-me-down tennis shoes.

They fit her great but weren’t quite “pink” enough for her taste.

She decided to be Pinkalicious for Halloween and needed some appropriate shoes.

Sparkly pink shoes are not hard to find these days but, in the spirit of re-purposing, I decided to take these old shoes and turn them into sparkly pink tennis shoes.

Using a sponge brush I coated the shoes in Modge Podge and then sprinkled them with glitter.  I put on two coats of glitter and then decoupaged over the top of the glitter to hold it on.

The result was Pinkalicious!

Anna can’t wait to wear her new sparkly pink shoes to school as well.

Here she is in full costume.

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Halloween Costumes

Our final kids week post is for kids not by kids.

We pulled these curtains down from the stage of the Foundry (the place we used to meet for church). Anyway, there was a lot of black fabric. Perfect for Halloween costumes. . .

So that’s just what we did.

Presenting Harry, Ron and Hermione from Harry Potter.

The fabric was perfect for the robes of three student wizards.

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Sticker Box

Ava here, again. After my brother’s birthday (he got a PS3) there was the container from the game controller. I saw it lying there and thought, maybe I could use it as a sticker box. I actually first wanted to put paint brushes or markers, but then Mom re-purposed a and I put my markers in there instead.

I cut the top, opened it and put my stickers in. But you could put anything; markers, napkins, stickers.

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Lunchbag scrapbook

Ava here. For this next project, we decided to get the girls together (the brothers were occupied elsewhere) and create some fun scrapbooks.

We started by gathering some paper bags. Folded them in half, punched holes and then tied them together with ribbons.

We raided our Mom’s stash of card making stuff and found some pictures of us when we were little.

We did need some help from the Mom’s (and one brother, eye roll here). We glued and cut and stuck pictures and stickers in our books.

They turned out so cute, Here is Natalie with her’s. It is so pretty and had a pink flower on the cover.

Here is Anna, Lauren and me with our albums.

This is Anna’s and mine up close, so you can see them better, but don’t copy them o.k?

You have to make your own unique book.

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The Brothers' Rad Pocket Pouch

Colin here: I came up with this idea from a ninja cartoon. Mom: That’s because you watch too much t.v. Yeah, but then I wouldn’t have gotten the idea in the first place. Mom: O.k. your right. Continue.

Anyway, when James heard my idea, he decided he wanted one too. We used an old pair of his  cargo pants. Cut out 2 of the pockets.

Sewed loops made from, what is it called? Mom: belting. Oh yeah thanks.

Then we attached them to our pants belts. Now we have a place to hold a lot of stuff-bigger that regular pockets can’t hold, like books or food.

James, what did you think?

James: I thought it would be cool to have one “hanging around” with me.

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Ava’s coasters

Ava here. I had this great idea for coaster’s made from some old cards. Here is how you make them.

Step 1: find some old cards. I used some old flash cards with princesses and diamonds on them. You will also need felt for the back. The sticky kind works best.

Step 2: Trace the card around the felt.

Step 3: Cut out the felt.

Step 4: Peel and stick the felt to the card.

Now you can use it for a cold cup, like when it leaks, you can put it on there and it works perfectly.

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Anna's Raggedy Ann Stool

Anna made this great stool out of a Styrofoam box.  She came up with the idea all on her own.  I am going to let her tell you about it:

Mom: Anna, what gave you the idea to make a stool out of this box?

Anna: Cause I saw the box and just thought that it could be a stool.

Mom:  What did you do first?

Anna: Traced the box on the fabric.

Mom: How did you choose the fabric?

Anna: Cause it matched our room

Mom:  What did you do next?

Anna: Cutted it.

Mom:  How did you help me sew it together?

Anna:  Pressing the button up and down.

Mom:  What do you think about your finished product?

Anna:  It is pink and it is Raggedy Ann and it matched our room really good.

Anna:  I am sitting on the stool and smiling and I was finished.

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Kids Takeover! Kid’s Pillows

Hello. Burk kids here. We have been watching our Moms re-purpose stuff for months now and we have decided that we need to try it out. So, we have distracted the Moms by creating a huge mess over the 4 day weekend. Trust us, they will be busy for a while.

Meanwhile, we have generated some ideas along with  Anna and Lauren and will be taking over for the week.

Our first project are these fun T-shirt pillows. We found some old t-shirts (Mom saves everything).

We pinned the sleeves and collar.

Sewed them up. Stuffed them. We used dryer lint for some of the stuffing. (What do the moms call that? Oh yeah, double re-purpose!)

Sewed up the bottom.

And now we have pillows form our old t-shirts.

Ava: it is a way you can remember when you wore that old shirt.

Colin: They were satisfying.  Even though we are kids we made something like that.

James: It was cool. EEE!

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Cork board re-think

Here is something we discovered at citymade while doing the re-purposing challenge. Cork board is really practical. Did you know that? Think about it. It goes with anything. It is so useful for reminders, pictures, and lists and it cuts well.

Yes, that’s right, it cuts really easy. And that’s just what we did. We took an old cork board that had a hole and some other damage and cut it into strips.

Next, we mounted it up on a wall right by Ava’s bed. Then she hung up some of her favorite things and a picture of her and her brothers.

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Cabinet re-do

Carol here. When we had our oldest, James, some one gave us a large changing table. It was hand made and really large. Perfect for storing diapers and baby clothes.

Now that there are no more babies in my house, the changing table is transitioning into a cabinet in Ava’s room.

We thought it would be fun to add a little chalk board paint to the front.

Now Ava can write her schedule and draw pictures.  The cabinet has gone from being obsolete to useful and fun!

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