Door Handle Key Pocket

I am sure many of you have often misplaced your keys. It’s o.k. It happens to all of us.

Citymade has a solution for you. The door handle key pocket.

We took scraps of felt to make this door handle key pocket. Put it right at the front door and drop your keys in. Simple.

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Fabric Scrap Checkbook Cover

This checkbook cover was made from some scraps left over from an apron we made a while back.  It sure beats the the ugly green leather cover I used to have.

I even had room to put my planner in one side of the cover.

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Fabric Scrap Week: It's More Than a Pin Cushion

We found this great project on one of our favorite blogs and were able to duplicate it using fabric scraps from our bin.  Here is the link to the original project.

And here is our re-purposed version.

There were quite a few steps to this project but it wasn’t too difficult and the end result is so functional.

The pincushion is filled half full of rice so that it weighs down the pocket.  The little basket is useful for collecting bits of thread and scraps of fabric while sewing.

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It’s back. . .wait for it. . .It’s Scrap Week, again!

We know you have been waiting for it. Well now it’s back! We have gone through our scrap bin. . .

again. . . and are ready to share some fabulous ideas!

Our first scrap project is a scrap basket.

This project was so easy and fun. You don’t need a lot of fabric (scraps will do), just some patience, as there are many steps. Here is the tutorial I found online.

Carol: I think I am going to have to make one for every little girl I know!

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Violin Shoulder Pad

Recently Ava (and Colin) began taking violin lessons. I love it, mostly because it has always been a dream of mine to play the violin, and what are kids for anyway, but to live out your dreams (kidding)

Anyway. The problem: Ava is a little small for her violin.

Citymade solution: an old t-shirt.

I cut the t-shirt in half. Folded it and sewed it into a soft piece of fabric (in a rectangle shape).

Fit under her violin on her shoulder.

I hope when she plays Lincoln Center she remembers her old mom and the t-shirt shoulder pad that started it all.

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Soap Bottle

O.k. Not sure what my (Carol’s) obsession with soap dispensers is, but here is another one for you.

We had a nice bottle that had some fancy french lemonade in it. Not sure what I could use it for, but it was pretty.

So, I filled it with soap and added a pour spout on the top.

The soap pours out nicely and it looks good next to your sink.

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Water Jug Funnels

Today’s post was stumbled upon back during shelf week when we made our Jug Shelf.  When we cut the tops off of the jugs we realized that we had a nice large funnel.

Perfect for pouring quinoa in a jar:

If you need a smaller funnel simply try using a smaller water bottle.

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Dress to Maternity Skirt

We had this adorable dress, probably in the stuff we scored from my mother-on-law.

We absolutely loved the fabric of this dress but the style didn’t work for either of us.   I, Melany, decided to turn it into a maternity skirt for myself.  This was a very simple sewing job.  Just by cutting off the top of the dress and sewing a casing for elastic and inserting elastic I had a skirt!

I am starting to become obsessed with re-fashioning.

Posted in Clothing, Simple sewing | 1 Comment

Word Magnets

Here is a simple idea to help your little kindergarten student learn his or her high frequency words (ask your child’s teacher for a list of the words if you do not have them).  Anna and I sat down with some old magazines and had a search for her “apple words” as her teacher calls them.  This was actually the most fun part of this project.  Anna was so excited when she found one of her words and was able to cut it out.

Next, we used Modge Podge and decoupaged them onto magnets.  We used advertising magnets that we receive in the mail every- so-often and cut them to fit the words.  I always save those magnets because they tend to come in very handy.

Anna loves practicing her words when she walks by.  We plan to add new words as she learns them in school.

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Sweet Repurposing

We are pretty sure many of you now have a giant stash of candy in your house from trick-or-treating this weekend.  I know we have way more than we need.

We stumbled across this website that has some great alternatives to eating all of that candy.

Here are some of our favorites:

Color Separation (Chromatography) with M&Ms or Skittles,

density rainbow with Skittles,

and candy bouquets.

Visit their website for some sweet science experiments and art projects or let the kids come up with their own.

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